<input type="text" size="40" value="123456" />

<input onclick="this.select()" size="40" type="text" value="123456" />

<input onmouseover="this.select()" size="40" type="text" value="123456" />;

<input onchange="this.select()" onclick="this.select()" size="40" type="text" value="123456" />

<input size="40" type="text" value="123456" maxlength="10"/>

<input size="40" type="number" value="123456"  />

 <input type="text">
 <input type="reset" value="清除表單">

<input size="40" type="password" value="123456"  />

<input onfocus="this.value='焦點在此'"
       onblur="this.value='焦點移開'"  size="40" type="text" value="焦點移開" />

<input  size="40" type="text" value="readonly" readonly />

<input disabled="disabled"  size="40" type="text" value="disabled" />

<input type="color" >

<input type="date">

<input type="datetime-local">

<form action="demo_form.asp">
E-mail: <input type="email" />
  <input type="submit" />

<input type="month" >

<form action="demo_form.asp">
Quantity (between 1 and 5): <input max="5" min="1" name="quantity" type="number" />
  <input type="submit" />
Quantity (between 1 and 5):

Points: 0<input type="range" name="points" min="1" max="100">100
Points: 0100

<input type="time" >

<input type="week" >

| input | input onblur | input onfocus | input onclick | input onchange | input onmouseover | input readonly | 焦點在此 | 焦點移開 | input type="password" | input type="text" | size | value | 輸入 |


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